Mobile extraction units for professional welders: 8 criteria that define good entry-level models
For many welders, the price also counts when buying a mobile extraction unit. However, even inexpensive entry-level units provide effective protection for industrial welding applications. At comparable entry-level prices, even the basic equipment differs greatly in some cases. What mobile extraction units are capable of today.
Thanks to a comprehensive clean air concept: How Nobels B.V. managed to meet strict limits
How are companies to comply with strict limits in the future? The clean air concept of the Dutch company Nobels B.V. shows how this can be done. The mix of different occupational safety measures brings added value in many ways. … >> more
Self-learning extraction technology: Has AI already arrived in welding fume extraction?
The digitalisation of metal processing is moving forward. Some manufacturers are already talking about the use of AI in welding fume extraction. But has artificial intelligence really arrived in air purification technology in practice? Fact check. The digital revolution in … >> more
Welding robot ‘colleague’: Welding fume extraction is still necessary
It can be said of fully automated welding processes that the welding robot ‘colleague’ does the job without any need for occupational safety. But, despite automated welding processes, effective welding fume extraction is still a must – especially to protect employees in the surrounding area. The type of fume extraction depends on the nature of the welding robot.
Innovation for thermal cutting tables: TheSlagger technology cleans automatically and provides protection from hazardous substances
Cleaning thermal tables results in stoppages and costs companies a great deal of time. Help comes in the form of TheSlagger patented technology: thanks to the automated extracting system, downtime is considerably reduced and employees benefit from optimum occupational health … >> more
Welding fume extraction done right: This is how you bring the extraction arm into position
Extraction arms are the most commonly used equipment in Germany for welding fume extraction. The correct handling is decisive with regards to effective capture of welding fumes. A high coverage rate and thus the effectiveness of occupational safety largely depend … >> more
Mobile suction units: 12 facts to help you select the right one
For many businesses, mobile suction units are the chosen means for extracting welding smoke. Especially in the case of changing workplaces, the spot extractors on rollers bring benefits as compared to stationary systems. The model that it makes sense to … >> more