It’s easy if you know how: Tips on organising occupational health and safety

Welding light metals: This must be noted

How large are the particles in welding fumes?

Fine dust increases the risk of autoimmune diseases

Welding in shipbuilding: Important facts and protective measures

Protecting people and the environment from hazardous substances

How occupational safety and health positively contributes to the employer’s image

Cancer due to welding fumes? We know that for a fact!

Krebs durch Schweißrauch? Das wissen wir sicher!

Every day, several million people around the world come into contact with welding fumes. It is undisputed today that the hazardous substances in welding fumes are hazardous to health – and some even carcinogenic. But it was not until 2017 … >> more

Vaccinating against welding fumes? How welders prevent an increased risk of pneumonia

Welders are exposed to a greater risk of contracting pneumococcal infections. The Standing Vaccination Committee of the Robert Koch Institute therefore advises vaccination against pneumococcae. According to researchers, this prevents weakening of the immune system and its potential consequences, including … >> more

How do ultrafine welding fume particles get into the body and what effects do they have?

Welding smoke carcinogenic? International researchers say "yes".

During welding, ultrafine particles are created which are breathed in or swallowed by welders. The smallest particles often cause the greatest damage. Yet, how exactly do these ultrafine particles affect the welder? And what kind of defense mechanism does the … >> more