New study: Ultrafine dust is a very common cause of cardiovascular diseases
Manfred Könning
6 years ago
Ultrafine dust leads to more cardiovascular diseases than acute heart attacks, cardiac insufficiency or cardiac arrhythmia – that’s the result of a new study. Welders are particularly affected. Most of the particles that can be found in welding fumes are … >> more
Is welding smoke carcinogenic? International cancer researchers now say a clear ‘yes’!
Björn Kemper
8 years ago
International cancer researchers determined that welding smoke is carcinogenic, in a recently published article. According to the cancer research agency of the World Health Organization, welding smoke has so far only been classified as possibly carcinogenic. With the new classification, the scientists adapted the estimation of the risks posed by welding smoke on the basis of new findings from several studies.
Fine dust: the invisible danger
Alexander Lenfers
9 years ago
The danger is in the unseen: Fine dust is a threat to people. Specifically, ultra-fine dust particles constitute a health threat. This finding is becoming more accepted in science and practice and can be applied directly to welding or rather … >> more
Risk of heart attack due to fine dust particulate pollution higher than once thought
Alexander Lenfers
9 years ago
Fine dust increases the risk of heart attack more significantly than once thought. A new study proves how dangerous even extremely small doses of dust particles can be. The EU limit values for fine dust may be too low. An … >> more
New study: Fine dust increases the risk for dementia disorder
Alexander Lenfers
9 years ago
When someone is exposed to fine dust for a long time risks to get sick of dementia. This was shown now by a new study. Since during the welding works dusts in the form of particles is often generated, it … >> more