Dimensioning of workshop ventilation: What welding companies need to know before installation

Eine Raumlüftung ist eine Ergänzung zu Punktabsaugungen.

Oversized extraction units and workshop ventilation systems, as well as incorrect planning of the airflow, can be harmful: in addition to effective work safety, companies are also concerned about cost-efficiency. The correct sizing and planning of the ventilation system is … >> more

Local extraction during welding: The welders should pay attention to the following when selecting an extraction device

Beim Schweißrauch wird es vor allem Nanobereich extrem gefährlich für Schweißer.

Local extraction is the first choice for welding with regards to occupational safety. It ensures that welding fumes are detected right at the source and thus has the greatest chances in achieving high extraction rates. What type of local extraction … >> more

How do ultrafine welding fume particles get into the body and what effects do they have?

Welding smoke carcinogenic? International researchers say "yes".

During welding, ultrafine particles are created which are breathed in or swallowed by welders. The smallest particles often cause the greatest damage. Yet, how exactly do these ultrafine particles affect the welder? And what kind of defense mechanism does the … >> more

Milk against welding fumes: not much more than an old wives’ tale

A daily ration of milk against welding fumes: This used to be the be-all and end-all of occupational safety. Yet, the legend about the protective effect of milk against health damage caused by welding fumes is partially still persistent today. … >> more

Hazardous substances in welding fumes: How they affect the human body

Gefahrstoffe im Schweißrauch

Welding fumes affect the lungs and are toxic or carcinogenic. The health consequences for the welder depend mainly on the composition of welding fumes. Science differentiates between three effects. The hazardous substances in welding fumes created during welding are formed … >> more

Thermal cutting: which hazardous substances are created

Thermal cutting generates harmful substances which are hazardous to health. A range of parameters influence the emission of harmful substances – and thus the potential for damage to health.

Welding fumes explained in brief: Why an extraction system is so important

Every metal processor should know these days that welding fumes are harmful.  Yet, one question gets asked over and over again: What are welding fumes exactly? Just looking at the composition gives an indication of what hazards are behind welding … >> more

Better welding fumes extraction: Rotatable extraction hood with flange brings higher coverage

Die Absaughaube ist maßgeblich für den Erfassungsgrad des Schweißrauchs.

The quality of an extraction hood is of utmost importance to ensure that welders accept the welding fumes extraction system. Thanks to a special design, the extraction hood with flange requires 40% less repositioning than standard extraction hoods. It is … >> more

Nitrous gases in welding fumes What dangers are faced when welding

nitrous gases in welding processes

Nitrous gases are often responsible for acute poisoning when welding. They occur during gas welding and arc welding processes. Due to current occupational medicine findings, the occupational exposure limits for nitrous gases were significantly lowered in May 2016. The term … >> more

Laser welding: automated, but hazardous for employees nonetheless

Auch beim Laserschweißen entsteht Schweißrauch.

Are there definitely risks from welding fumes, if a robot is doing the welding? Many welders ask this question when laser welding. The almost completely automated welding process mainly hides hazards if it is used with additives. A welding fume … >> more