Air return system for chrome-nickel welding works: the welding fumes separation class matters

Beim Schweißen von Chrom-Nickel-Stahl ist eine Luftrückführung nur teilweise zulässig

Air return system through the extraction devices during chrome-nickel-steel welding works? In Germany the answer is clearly yes! At least as long as the extraction and filtering devices have the appropriate welding fumes separation class. Whereas the dust class is … >> more

“Raising awareness about work safety for welding”

The new information platform on the subject of work safety for welding is called In an interview, managing director Björn Kemper explains why KEMPER GmbH, manufacturer of extraction and filter systems, has created the new web site. Work safety … >> more

Health hazard from welding fumes

Beim Schweißrauch wird es vor allem Nanobereich extrem gefährlich für Schweißer.

Contaminants from welding hold a high potential hazard to the health of welders. This is dependent on welding process and material. Welding fumes pose an enormous potential hazard. Official tests show that fume particles are typically smaller than 1 micron, … >> more

Contaminant categories: from breathable to ultrafine

Schweißrauch unterteilt sich in einzelne Fraktionen. Besonders gefährlich sind die Partikel ab den alveolengängigen Stäuben.

98.9 percent of welding fumes are harmful to health. Danger lurks in a size under 10 microns for respirable particles. Health risks from welding don’t come only from welding flashes burning the eyes. During welding processes, hazardous substances arise from … >> more

How an effective extraction system works

Schweißrauch absaugen richtet sich auch nach den örtlichen Gegebenheiten.

Extraction and filter technology for an effective occupational safety requires foundational planning. This checklist for welding fume extraction indicates which factors play a role. Plug it in, place the suction arm on the welding seam, and voila, done with occupational … >> more