Limit values for welding fumes: Let’s count the particles!

Grenzwerte für Schweißrauch stehen in der Diskussion. Björn Kemper tritt für die Zählung der Feinstaubpartikel ein.

Are today’s limit values for welding fumes still relevant in their current form? Science and the industrial sector have doubts. KEMPER GmbH argues in favour of measuring the number of particles when evaluating welding fumes concentration. The true health hazard for employees is before the limit is reached – an essay by Björn Kemper.

Regulate extraction technology: for more ease in the battle against welding fumes

When considering extraction and filter technology, manufacturers do not only have to think about the protection of their employees against welding fumes or dust during welding, grinding or cutting. Efficient operation is important for welding workshops when it comes to the plants in addition to consideration on how hazardous substances are captured and discharged. Automatic suction performance regulation also saves energy.

WIG welding: “Clean” process with underestimated health risk

It is deemed a “clean” welding process creating only little welding fumes and is therefore often underestimated: WIG welding. The process harbors health risks which should not be underestimated. Welders are exposed to nitrogen oxides, radioactivity and ozone in particular. … >> more

MIG welding: highly hazardous despite lower quantities of welding fumes

MAG-welding: common, despite high emissions of welding fumes

Hazardous substances such as welding fumes can harm employees

Neues BAuA-Faktenblatt: Gafrhstoffe wie Gase, Dämpfe oder Rauch verursachen Berufskrankheiten - so auch Schweißrauch.

Mobile, stationary, central: Extraction systems for welding fumes at a glance

Mobile extraction devices and filter devices: high movement radius thanks to almost unlimited mobility usable also for changing workstations shorter extraction arms thanks to proximity to workpiece Stationary extraction and filtering devices/systems: space-saving installation at solid welding stations so good … >> more

Air recirculation during welding: Yes – see conditions

Air circulat solutions are becoming increasingly more important in planning extraction systems and filter technology in operations. They promise lower energy costs. But a recirculation of filtered air is not suitable in all cases – in some cases it is … >> more

Manual arc welding: Chromium VI compounds and more besides in the welding fumes

Up to the formation of chromium VI compounds: In manual arc welding, the kind of hazardous substances in the welding fumes is very much determined by the metal of the core rod and its covering. Particularly hazardous are high-alloy rod … >> more

Factors for the amount of welding fumes

How much welding fumes created in any welding work depends on many factors: Not only the method and the materials used influence the amount of welding fumes. The welding fumes emissions, expressed in mg/s, are smaller than the smoke and … >> more