40 years of KEMPER – the interview: “In former times, welding fumes were regarded as healthy to some extent”

Kampf dem Schweißrauch seit 40 Jahren: KEMPER ist Pionier in der Schweißrauchabsaugung. Gründer Gerd Kemper blickt im Interview mit arbeitsschutz-schweissen.de zurück.

With a gut feeling, courage and of course a set of reliable figures as a basis, in 1977 Gerd Kemper set out on a personal crusade: clean air at the workplace while welding. Something which in the early days appeared alien to his expectations actually turned out to be a vital business field. 40 years after establishing KEMPER GmbH – formed on 17th March 1977 – Gerd Kemper is now looking back on his company and its industry.