“Raising awareness about work safety for welding”
The new information platform on the subject of work safety for welding is called safe-welding.com. In an interview, managing director Björn Kemper explains why KEMPER GmbH, manufacturer of extraction and filter systems, has created the new web site.
Work safety for welding: Does this topic really offer enough material to justify its own web site?
I agree. Naturally it sounds like a niche subject. But as manufacturer of extraction and filter systems, we have been active in this special field for more than 35 years now. You’d be surprised at some of the topics it involves.
…and they would be?
It starts with new legal underpinnings. Beyond that we highlight technical advances and discussions in the branch, and most importantly we explain in very practical terms how companies can set things up in terms of work safety. Specific subjects here include room ventilation and extraction hoods or arms, for example. When should a plant begin to make use of these? Which class of filter is required in which specific cases? Why is contamination-free dust extraction becoming an increasingly important aspect of work safety for welders?
Which target groups is the portal aimed at?
Mainly people who work in metal processing. It is intended to provide them with a source of comprehensive information on optimum work safety. On the other hand, trade retailers can use it as a source of information for offering advice, and professional associations, schools and other offices or trade professionals in the branch also benefit from the information.

Björn Kemper, managing ditrector of KEMPER GmbH
Are you creating a platform to present your own products?
That is exactly what we won’t be doing. Of course, we believe strongly in our products, and our solutions will also be found in stories taken from actual practice. But safe-welding.com is clearly distinct from our commercial web site. No products at all will be promoted here. We want to provide users with a one-stop source of comprehensive information on the subject of work safety for welding.
What does the portal hope to achieve?
Our goal is to increase awareness in the branch on the subject of work safety. In many ways the hazards of ultra-fine particles, which are produced in welding, are still not treated enough today – even by welders who are directly affected. Many of the people affected have some catching up to do, so they have a need for information.
What does safe-welding.com have to offer compared to other information sources?
Until now, such a comprehensive source of information was nowhere to be found in the Internet. Even though the trade media does a good job of addressing various subjects, there are deeper issues, which even a trade journal cannot explore in sufficient depth in this field. This is what we want to provide in a user-friendly way.
Please give us an idea about the work behind the scenes at safe-welding.com.
It’s not just the KEMPER firm at the forefront here, but also its employees. They supply the input and blog from their own specific areas. The sales specialist understands the needs of people who work in metal processing, and the technician understands the technical issues involved in work safety. We try to shine a light on the subject from various angles. There will even be room for external branch experts to have a say on the platform. Naturally we will begin with the basics first and then expand the material in coming weeks.
Is this new communication channel based in some way on how you view yourself?
We view ourselves as pioneers of extraction and filter technology in the metal processing industry, that’s true. But that’s also why making our knowledge accessible to a wider audience to educate people on the subject of workplace safety is something close to our heart.
Mr. Kemper, thank you very much for the conversation.