Highest work safety thanks to modern suction systems at mechanical engineering company TRUMPF

Welders and their immediate environment constantly face health hazards: Sparks, gases or ultra-fine dust particles. It is with good reason that metalworking companies are obliged to protect staff by means of e.g. suction systems. At their site in the French … >> more

Effective health and safety management in welding processes: essential guidelines

Wie Schweißrauchabsaugung funkioniert, erklärt die VDMA-Broschüre "Schweißen ohne Rauch".

Welding operations make up a large group of issues which comprise a variety of procedures, rules and regulations. The range of available brochures and data sheets is quite extensive and somewhat confusing. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of Great … >> more

Efficient air pollution control: Welding works in the new TEUTLOFF training workshop in Calbe

Whether for numerous work stations in welding companies or in huge training workshops for welders: precise planning of the extraction and filtering technologys helps to design a hall in accordance with the needs of welders and to achieve high cost … >> more

How an effective extraction system works

Schweißrauch absaugen richtet sich auch nach den örtlichen Gegebenheiten.

Extraction and filter technology for an effective occupational safety requires foundational planning. This checklist for welding fume extraction indicates which factors play a role. Plug it in, place the suction arm on the welding seam, and voila, done with occupational … >> more

Heerema employs innovative displacement ventilation from KEMPER

Four CleanAirTowers, a new displacement ventilation system from KEMPER, have been in use since mid-2014 by the Heerema Fabrication Group near Rotterdam. Since then the smoke ceiling has disappeared. A thick cloud of welding fumes used to hang over the … >> more