After the transitional period for the General Dust Exposure Level: for health-based occupational safety
In 2014, legislators in Germany lowered the General Dust Exposure Level by more than 60 percent. Under certain conditions, factories were able to continue operating at the old limit of 3 mg/m³. This transitional period ended at the turn of the year. This has repeatedly sparked many discussions amongst those affected, but above all it has created uncertainty. This period is finally over – with a plea for health-based occupational safety in each country.
Occupational Health & Safety 4.0 Today: What is the state of the art and how do welding companies benefit from it?
“On the pulse of digitalization” – this was the motto of this year’s EuroBLECH exhibition in Hannover. Networking is certainly on the rise in metal-working companies and brings numerous advantages: OH&S 4.0 – that is several smart appliances communicating with … >> more
Messe Schweißen und Schneiden: Industrie 4.0 auch beim Arbeitsschutz auf dem Vormarsch
Die Weltleitmesse Schweißen und Schneiden öffnet diese Woche in Düsseldorf ihre Pforten. Der Publikumsmagnet für Schweißer und andere Metallbearbeiter wartet auch beim Arbeitsschutz mit Trends auf. Im Fokus steht die Digitalisierung im Rahmen von Industrie 4.0.
Is welding smoke carcinogenic? International cancer researchers now say a clear ‘yes’!
International cancer researchers determined that welding smoke is carcinogenic, in a recently published article. According to the cancer research agency of the World Health Organization, welding smoke has so far only been classified as possibly carcinogenic. With the new classification, the scientists adapted the estimation of the risks posed by welding smoke on the basis of new findings from several studies.
Limit values for welding fumes: Let’s count the particles!
Are today’s limit values for welding fumes still relevant in their current form? Science and the industrial sector have doubts. KEMPER GmbH argues in favour of measuring the number of particles when evaluating welding fumes concentration. The true health hazard for employees is before the limit is reached – an essay by Björn Kemper.