Fine dust: the invisible danger
Alexander Lenfers
9 years ago
The danger is in the unseen: Fine dust is a threat to people. Specifically, ultra-fine dust particles constitute a health threat. This finding is becoming more accepted in science and practice and can be applied directly to welding or rather … >> more
Risk of heart attack due to fine dust particulate pollution higher than once thought
Alexander Lenfers
9 years ago
Fine dust increases the risk of heart attack more significantly than once thought. A new study proves how dangerous even extremely small doses of dust particles can be. The EU limit values for fine dust may be too low. An … >> more
New study: Fine dust increases the risk for dementia disorder
Alexander Lenfers
9 years ago
When someone is exposed to fine dust for a long time risks to get sick of dementia. This was shown now by a new study. Since during the welding works dusts in the form of particles is often generated, it … >> more