Air recirculation during welding: Yes – see conditions

Air circulat solutions are becoming increasingly more important in planning extraction systems and filter technology in operations. They promise lower energy costs. But a recirculation of filtered air is not suitable in all cases – in some cases it is … >> more

The right airflow volume for every welding situation

The airflow volume is one of the factors which decides how effective a welding fume extraction system is. Irrespective of whether the system is for spot extraction or hall ventilation: every application has different requirements. The airflow volume describes the … >> more

Direct extraction of welding fumes: source capture overview


Source captures are the first choice when it comes to the occupational safety equipment. They are used directly at the place where welding fumes emerge. Three types of source captures are applied for various requirements during welding works. Numerous metal … >> more

The optimum exhaust hood for optimum collection

Die Absaughaube entscheidet auch über einen hohen Erfassungsgrad in der Schweißrauchabsaugung.

Extraction systems should making working on pieces easier for welders. A correctly designed exhaust hood helps effectively secure occupational safety. The best extraction performance and the best filter technology are useless if the welding fumes do not find their way … >> more

Ventilation: more than an extension of spot extraction

Eine Raumlüftung ist eine Ergänzung zu Punktabsaugungen.

Whether a displacement or a circulation system: ventilation is more than just a supplement to spot extraction. It also secures the occupational safety for surrounding work areas. For occupational safety during welding, the following actually applies: the thicker the welding … >> more