Manual arc welding: Chromium VI compounds and more besides in the welding fumes
Up to the formation of chromium VI compounds: In manual arc welding, the kind of hazardous substances in the welding fumes is very much determined by the metal of the core rod and its covering. Particularly hazardous are high-alloy rod … >> more
Factors for the amount of welding fumes
How much welding fumes created in any welding work depends on many factors: Not only the method and the materials used influence the amount of welding fumes. The welding fumes emissions, expressed in mg/s, are smaller than the smoke and … >> more
Gas welding: Nitrogen and carbon hazard in welding fumes
Whether your welding sheets of pipes: Oxyacetylene welding (gas welding) stands for high accuracy. But even this relatively slow process releases hazardous substances and not only the dangerous nitrogen dioxide. Have you ever been in confined spaces where oxyacetylene welding … >> more
Welding aluminium: dangerous formation of oxides and ozone
Many welding companies ask themselves one question when it comes to the welding of aluminium: Is an air pollution control system absolutely necessary when working with this comparatively lightweight material? Studies show, however, that the material does indeed pose a … >> more
Strong generation of fume during welding with covered rod electrodes
The manual arc welding with covered rod electrode is a very popular welding method. However, more welding fume is generated here than in many other methods. This means greater hazard for the health. In the manual arc welding a rod … >> more
Two welding methods and the related hazards
Welding activities hold a number of sources of danger: Not only the material, but also the welding procedure used are decisive in which work protection measures need to be taken and what the welder needs to look out for. Hazardous … >> more
New processes and materials in welding equals more safety? No!
New processes and additional materials promise a considerable reduction of the welding fumes. It is, however, a fallacy that the danger of a welding fumes explosion has been eliminated for the welder and work places surrounding him. On the contrary, … >> more